Support Us To Help Us Keep Making Music

Making music is a JOY, it’s our passion and we love it, but it is also very expensive! As an independent artist, without the financial backing of a big investor or record label, we have to fund all of our releases, touring and marketing costs. This is all part of running any business, but the music industry is known for being a particularly difficult one to thrive in, due to the low income from things like streaming and the high cost of recording, marketing and touring. Did you know, to by a tin of baked beans at £1, we need 333 streams? To record a new song, we need around 333,000 streams?! This being said, we are grateful for streaming platforms that enable our music to reach far and wide around the globe, but it’s not enough to sustain our career. This is why we’re so grateful to everyone who also downloads our music, buys tickets to come and see us live and buys our merch.

Over the years, it has been the kindness and generosity of others that has enabled us to release music and start to build a solid fan base around the globe. If it wasn’t for people believing in us and financially backing various projects, we would not be here making music today. If you love our music enough to support us financially and this is something that you feel able to do, please click on the link below to give a donation. If you’d like to find out more about how you could back a specific project, or give on a monthly basis, please head to the contact page and drop us an email.

Give a one off donation …

To give a one off gift, no matter how big or small, please click on the link below which will take you to our secure PayPal link. You will need to sign into your PayPal account or sign up to make a payment, and you can send a donation from anywhere in the world. If you don’t have a PayPal account and would like to make a donation, please use the contact form here on our website to send us an email and we will find an alternative method for you.

If you’ve seen us play live at a free event and would like to give a tip, this is also a great way to do that.